I’m going to admit something. Some companies grow quite successfully without an intentional marketing plan. In some cases, the owner is a great networker and salesperson, so she or he has no issue finding new work. Sometimes the company is so good at serving...
The calendar just flipped to 2019. That’s right, it’s now that time of the year when you’ll search for a way to turn your eights into nines for the next 4-6 weeks. Pro Tip: Stop trying. You can’t without making it look like the nine is in a different super-bolded font...
I’ll get the straightforward answer out of the way; it depends. There are figures out there such as the 5% rule which states you should spend 2-5% of your budget on marketing. Other figures including recommendations from the U.S. Small Business Administration put...
You’ve done everything you’re supposed to. You have a solution to your customer’s most annoying problem. Your team is wearing all the swag you could slap your logo on. The website is live with all the flashy photos, videos, and graphics you could pack into it. Flyers...